Happy Girls Day!

inspiration role model

Happy Girls Day .... Happy Hinamatsuri 2017!

Hinamatsuri, or Girls’ Day, takes place every March 3 and is mostly celebrated by Hawaii families of Japanese and Okinawan descent and its origins go back to early Japanese immigrants who first brought the holiday to the Islands.

Following Girls’ Day tradition, elaborate dolls were given to Japanese girls upon birth, detailed with brocaded silk kimonos, fans and musical instruments. Young girls would display their dolls in arrangements up to seven tiers high, each carrying it's own level of meaning and significance. 

Let me tell you a little story about one of my favorite little girls.  I received  a call from her one evening.  She seemed a bit shy, but her mom reminded her why she was calling.  She sheepishly asked me, "Aunty, would you like to help me raise money for my school?  I am going to run laps for Dr Seuss Day."  I asked her the purpose of the money which was to help fund wellness programs.  We talked a bit more and eventually we agreed that I would pledge a certain amount for every lap.  

Today, I received the wonderful news that she completed 10 laps, which is a little over a mile.  Not bad for this little mama!!!  This little girl makes me proud every single day and it is truly an honor to be a positive influence and watch her grow into her own independent self. 

While I may not have given her life, she brings joy and happiness to mine every single day.  

#ProudAunty #HappyGirlsDay




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  • dcofxmpgum on

    Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?

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